NaPoWriMo 5: Tennessee Faces

by krstaten


In Tennesee, there is a mountain cliff
shaped like a face; its nose protruding
proud, its eyes a stretched and sunken
canvas seeing everything and nothing
(which are mostly the same thing).
A mouth consternated and pouting, knowing
it could only ever taste Earth. It squints
(without eyelids) against the wind
that buffets its features
without inciting change,
decade after decade.
All it see is trees, each tall
and proud and green in the summer,
all together a chorus of sameness,
all together a vision.


Because loves the same poets I love, apparently, after a prompt earlier being based on Kay Ryan, this time the prompt is based on Mary Oliver: Specifically to write about something interesting in nature. I decided today to draw from my hiking in Tennessee.

My first poem recommendation: “The Black Snake” by Mary Oliver.“The Black Snake” by Mary Oliver. The first poem of hers I ever read, years ago.

My recommendation of a fellow NaPoWriMo participant: “Hey Squirrels!” at Ordinary Average Thoughts“Hey Squirrels!” at Ordinary Average Thoughts